nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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Twelve | Single Girl

so todays i went to vincent's house and we started to drink and watch family guy and then chuck & larry then we ordered some pizza and then LOL we went out the the back to light up a sparklerbomb i think ? i shit myself LMAOO it was soo loud sounded like someone shot someone. after that i went to cabra station for an hour walking around looking for people unfortunately i saw no one except anthony, peter, steve & billy and i talked to anthony for a bit at cheso and then i waited for fkn agess for my sister to pick me up and then i went maccas and i went home HAHA my grandma is here to stay for the night :L soo hmm tutor tmrw and i forgot to go dentist cos i was lazzzzzy T__T

anyways i cbb typing down the lyrics ><

Evident - Single Girl


"Twelve | Single Girl" was posted On: 9/5/09, 6:39 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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