nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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Seven | No Other One

felicia and vanessa annoyed the heck out of me when i was playing tap tap with stephanie and i felt sooo tired afterwards even though i felt like raging LOL i was soo excited bcos i thought today was the 1/9/09 so i could start downloading songs again omg mychonny - my sister craps me up so hard especially when his "sister" makes the "8o|" face. 2 more weeks till our trials oh no :O and i got the shittiest mark for food tech - 52%. i feel like cutting my hair into a bob but then i know when it grows out it wont look nice and i really want to grow my hair out cos the layers near my ear go past my jaw and it flares out T___T i just found out that if u wear plates and u takr them off and ur teeth move just a tiny bit, u'd have to wear braces again D:

i am sooo full from chips + egg sandwiches. i have 40 bucks right now and i heard the moon festival is next month and i need to save up bcos i need money for sundays + formal and im still waiting on that job =\ i hate this freaking recession shit! omg mehmet is hilariousssssssss LOL and i feel so bad for what happened T__T someone is gunna get a free breadroll this sunday ^^"

You should know I dont need
no other one, All i need is you

- Taio Cruz


"Seven | No Other One" was posted On: 8/31/09, 4:21 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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