nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

‚Üê Newer | Older ‚Üí

Two | I Choose You

i wish i was older and i bet a lot of teens wish they were older. u could drink when u feel sober, party like no tomorrow, when u get that sweet paycheck u go shopping, find a true love and lead a steady life. some people wish they were still younger, being a kid doing fun things without worrying about anything when u only like a boy to take their stuff or punch them in the face when they try to kiss u. oh my those days.

double maths today was a frikkin' killer. my maths teacher fkn loves snoopy i dont understand why she goes like she married to him and he was his first love. psh well guess what ? snoopy doesnt love u. english was soo fun today i was being super mean and throwing stuff at megan 8) im stuck with this english assignment about change omg it is soo hard and then sc trails coming up and then i have to find a job then save up money for formal. *sigh well im happy about what i chose for the next to shitty years !

lets hope for the best yeah ? english standard, yay no maths, ancient history, biology, retail, business services and hopefully geography !

When you feel like dancing, you dont have to dance alone cos you should already know I choose you, i choose you, oh baby i do

- Baby face (Demo for Mario)

here's an extra song for today only a nippet though :) Christopher - Love


"Two | I Choose You" was posted On: 8/26/09, 9:35 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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