nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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Seventeen | Tonight

happy birthday to tanya on sunday ^^ yesterday i got lazy and i was pissed off at my mum so i made up some bullshit - oh yeahh .. the school let yr 10 stay home to study for school certificate trials .... LOL i went out to cheso to get some fucking lipbalm cos i've been using MOISTURIZER on my lips for 3 fucking days ! i went to get some ramen + katsu chicken mmm & then i went library to study for a while (A) i got bored and went up to cheso square looking for people and i ran into felicia and went back to her house . on the way to her house i saw steven suh at the train station and i chucked him a big dirty 8) when we got to her house we took some luvos and played around with the light saber ! she made watch bold and the beautiful LOL i was paying more attention then her, she was staring at herself on her comp screen ! ;)

today was relaxing, my sports shirt was in the wash whoops and i have no fucking food :( we had some fkn fire drill T___T and i teased vanessa today ^^ and poked the shit out of felicia LOL

im gunna give you the world and all that you deserve, it's all about us tonight, nothing's gunna stop us tonight, i love that i love you

- Faydee


"Seventeen | Tonight" was posted On: 9/15/09, 3:57 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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