nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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2NE1 | Not Just You

yesterday was umm relaxing and doing whatever floats ur boat LOL i did whatever felicia or mehmet wanted and vanessa also didnt mind either haha.
well i got out tutor early and i went to train station to check the times and ran into mehmet and sat with him for a while and then went to "villawood" but magically i end up in FAIRFIELD :@ and then i went back to cabra and sat with mehemt again LOL and then went villa and talked to vanessa for god knows how long and then we met felicia on the train and then we went to cabra to "hang". it was a good day and then when i went home me and felicia caught the wrong train like motherfucker took the wrong train 2 times in a day and then luckily my mum called and we went home at like 6.10 ? i went woolies for a bit and watched tv the whole night ! rove was sooo hilarious LOL

&today was a normal day. farrout in food tech and i was cooking with vanessa and tony, we made marshmellow slices, motherfucking sweet as. i chugged like half of it down like FUCK MAN so sweet ! and then tony messed up the rest of it and it looked gross so he chucked it in the bin for me T___T @lunch today, lawerance came over as usual and then michelle and a few others came over and suddenly, somehow, there were TWO spiders on felicia. everyone screamed and backed away and god knows why kept saying "sorry" .. like what the ? what are u saying sorry for ? O_O after that felicia got a bit moody but im sure colouring in stars in science cheered her up. i asked my mum whats there to eat at home ? my mum : nothing ...... fuck ? nothing ? FARRRRRRRRR :@

instant noodles again, du ma T_T

You need to realise, baby it's not just you, you know it hurts me too, watching you leave

- Nasri


"2NE1 | Not Just You" was posted On: 9/21/09, 5:46 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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