nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

‚Üê Newer | Older ‚Üí

Fifty |

Rule #1 - I will NEVER EVER say i love you when i do not mean it

Rule #2 - If the guy is clingy .... RUN

Rule #3 - If the guy is like super cocky/corny ... RUN

Rule #4 - If they are younger than me ... RUN

Rule #5 - If they are massive flirts - tell them too fuck off

Rule #6 - If he is all talk on net and nothing in real life - tell them to go back to school to learn how to talk or else I am goingggg

Rule #7 - If you love me, make me love you back

Rule #8 - Make me laugh

I might sound like some picky bitch but that is all :)


"Fifty |" was posted On: 11/9/09, 11:19 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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