nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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Fourty6 | Hands On Me

slept all day today T__T fuck did nothing in textiles and got an E HAHA im gunna have asuch a shit report. i literally do nothing in any class nowadays ! ms. sullivan saw my facebook UGHH T__T at p.e me and felicia were walking around the oval like 5 times and we were talking about stuff, what a deep convo :S now im thinking about stuff . well i went to cheso to get sushi cos nothing at home to eat and went into woolies to get some oreos and ran into david and richard . felicia came to cheso like 5 mins after when i got my sushi haha . we talked for a bit got felicia some coke and i got some jelly ^^ hehehe
aww vanessa dogged me in english ! i didnt even do my food tech speech like a zero for me HAHAHA

Put your hands on me and lets do something crazy



"Fourty6 | Hands On Me" was posted On: 11/6/09, 5:11 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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