nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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2NE6 | Woot Baby

MWAHAHA i am so not mean (A)
well yesterday i phoned with vincent for a while then three wayed with felicia ;D when i went to bed felicia texted me (A) hehe and then i decided to prank call vincent cos he was asleep haha i woke that bitch up. then some ganga called me at 3.30 ... T___T when felicia was saying shit i was like bye bye bye bye *hang up* LMAO . i went toilet afterwards cos someone woke me up :@ and then geelong texted me 10 mins later then CALLED me. phoned for like 10 mins and i hung up cos i was feeling super dead. texted each other for a bit and then i fell asleep.

& yeah thats it ! im uncapped but nothing to download du ma LOL maybe i should watch another drama. i finished watching My Sassy Girl to see what all the fuss was about. it was okay .. not that bad, maybe cos i watched the movie not the series :S
& i dont think anyone actually uses my song of the day shit but i know foh sure that if i find a good song i`ll post it but there aint many good songs atm

&today i just watched What Happens In Vegas & Perfume : The Story Of A Murderer in my room with aircon ^^ & vanessa called me like just then and we talked for 20 mins :)


"2NE6 | Woot Baby" was posted On: 10/1/09, 3:05 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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