nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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so me, felicia, davurt, helen and michael went city

1. fuck decided to wear my fkn maxi LOL
2. walked to the station
3. met up with davurt and felicia
4. went townhall to eat, i got sushi hehe
5. met up with helen at maccas then headed off to ceo
6. i rapped to 50 cent LMAO ^^ & felicia and helen were singing
7. michael came and we all chucked dice at each other
8. finished k and went to chinatown looking for okesmays for michael
9. went maccas to get icecream
10. went mc for davurt, felicia and kpun to tekken LOL
11. me and michael ducked outside and went maccas
12. went back to mc
13. we went back to cabra
14. stayed there for around 40 mins
15. went home

fuck that night was the worst fight i had with my dad fuck man i fucking had enough of him

"CITY OUTING" was posted On: 4/13/10, 4:03 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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