nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

‚Üê Newer | Older ‚Üí

A - Available: yep

B - Best Friends: felicia & vanessa

C - Color of Your Room: pastel green

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: felicia, vanessa & danny

F - Favorite Food: icecream

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms: gummy bears !

H - Hometown: chester hill

I - Instrument: piano

J - Job: i dont have one

K - Kids: hell no

L - Longest Car Ride: 11 hours to melbourne

M - Milk Flavor: chocolate !

N - Number Of Siblings: older bitch

O - One Wish: endless supply of money

P - Phobias: clowns and the grudge boy

Q - Favorite Quote: too many to list

S - Song You Last Heard: cater 2 u instrumental

U - Unknown Fact About Me: i love labs

V - Vegetable: lettuce ? easiest thing to eat

W - Worst Habits: twirling my hair

X - X-Rays You’ve Had: teeth/jaw

Y - Your Favorite Pastime: tumblring

Z - Zodiac Sign: taurus

"" was posted On: 4/7/10, 8:45 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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