nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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i fucked up in the morning
i fucked up in the arvo
i fucked up when i came home
i fucked up when i was about to go to sleep

omg im fucking up so bad

so yesterday was an alright day but i wanted to jump on the road and get run over

1. got lectured in the morning had to fucking walk it to the station
2. davurt burnt me with his cig when i hugged him LOL gr
3. went cabra to meet jager and brandon
4. saw emnetty and marina as well at the station hehe
5. went city
6. went to go eat, felicia and jager went hungry jacks, i went to get starbucks, i fucking got a light dark mocha frappachino thingy that was the fucking shit man LOL
7. went back to hungry jacks, brandon and harry were mt-ing and i saw sarah and sally in a vedy long time D:
8. we all went to maccas to meet the rest
9. we went k, outside and inside show, waiting and deciding which k to go to - either pheonix or show
10. went ceo instead
11. my mood died for the first hour until we all started chucking dice into the cup LOL
12. called netty to check up for a bit
13. left k
14. went maccas & ate
15. went to mt so the boys can knock themselves out LOL
16. played this basketball shooting game with sherry like 3 times
17. went back to regents park to get picked up
18. drove davurt and felicia home
19. went home and did chores >_>
20. phoned to keep me awake

shit morning already, i had to climb under my house to fix my internet cable >_>

"CITY OUTING" was posted On: 4/9/10, 2:33 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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