nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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seventy2 |

i fucking hate my family especially my sister, that motherfucking crazy fatfuck cow, fucking bitch.

T__T i stay home and i get beaten, i go out and i get lectured i have such a sad fucking life like no jokes

yesterday i ran into andrew and i went rocky's house tto watch a couple of movies, i had to take care of him and i said happy birthday to son as well, so i was gunna stay longer with rocky or with son, my two favourite guys :) ngaww anyways my sister and my cousin fucking calls me a million times around 8.30 to go home, i go on the 8.40 train, so im at cheso i walked up to cheso square, i got myself a chicken kebab on a stick, i get in the car


in the bitchest, loudest fucking tone.

andim like ....

i didnt say anything to her man. i get home my dad full nice to me, my mum full screams at me and my sister beats me up with her heels ...

my cousin and her sister and her bf are in her room full talking having a nice time, the adults and little kids are in the lounge having fun, im like fuck this i went into my room and stayed there all night, only person that cared for me that night was my aunty. far came in my room brought me food, was gunna give me 50 bucks but i couldnt take it, cos thats slack. my other aunty was fkn tipsy was all over me and she kissed me on the lips like wf ahha . and i came home early for this shit i should've stayed longer til 10.30 or something

anyways, shittest christmas i've ever had, even worse that last year when my bf had to go vietnam but still, i didnt even see my two favourite girls .. fuck --"

and im not even going out for the next 5 days so i can latee at nye ... omfg and my rents dont go home til 8 or 9 today, i should've went out, and yes my sister DID beat me AGAIN TODAY ...

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk my life is sad, it shows on my hickey as well, fucking oath im pissed off as an angry drunk lebo.


"seventy2 |" was posted On: 12/26/09, 6:13 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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