nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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money rant lol

So my dad gets $500 + of my youth allowance, which I don't even get a cent of.

I've paid for gas twice and the groceries for this fucking week.

I get taxed 15%, and I only earn $12.86 which is pathetic.

I've had shitty phones for the past 3 and a half years and I just want this new phone. 64$ a month, I'm asking my dad for 50$ a month to help me pay for it but he's stingy. Everybody else in the family is against me on getting this new phone. I'm getting it very soon but I'm not sure which provider to go on - Voda or Optus.

"money rant lol" was posted On: 6/13/12, 11:21 AM | 0 ‚òÅ

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