nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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what a day to get fired

honestly, maybe I should've gone about it in a different way but I did nothing wrong that was considered "offensive".

My boss said exactly this: "It felt like an attack" ... Are you fucking kidding me? I did not write anything obscure or fictitious on that note. I simply wrote the award the business was running under, the minimum wage for 17 yr olds and 18 yr olds and the penalty rate for Sundays and at the end I wrote "suggested by Fair Work Ombudsman"

I am a darn good fucking worker, I do everything I'm supposed to do and this was no reason to fire me. He tried covering the 'termination of my service' as simply 'not calling you in anymore because casuals can be terminated without any notice and for any reason.'. Bitch shut the fuck up, I have rights and that was an unfair dismissal you son of a bitch.

I was upset and disappointed because I thought my first job would've been great and fair but this was neither. But after a good 1 and a half hour of crying I got really angry and I can't for revenge.

Next plan: print out a million resumes and go job hunting before TAFE on Tuesday. After I officially land the job, that's when I'm going to file a complaint. Because I'm not going to file a complaint and then expect an awesome reference from my boss.

And another thing, he does not issue pay slips on a regular basis for any one. He only does it for those who ask him everytime. I didn't wanna take this crap anymore and his excuses are crap.

"what a day to get fired" was posted On: 3/23/12, 5:13 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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