nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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man oh man where the hell do i start on this night ..

1. i woke up got ready called felicia to check up
2. went to felicias house to go station then went cabra
3. we went to my dentist to fix my plates
4. went to go get credit and went happycup for a drink
5. went to woolies to meet up with the others
6. they got the food and alki
7. we went into the pharmacy to go look at perfume and some make up
8. we went cabra station to go canley to go davis's house
10. called vanessa on the way to check up on her
9. at first everyone was just trying to cool down and davis and some others got ready, drinks in fridge and setting up the grill to cook sausages and chicken.
10. karaoke started, a few uninvited people tagged along and killed the mood and when they left the party was getting started (finally!)
11. played some 13 while felicia was singing hehe
12. something happened and the mood died for around half an hour
13. the boyz took off their shirts and went CRAAAZAYEEE LOL
13. something happened again .. LOL and then the boyz put on their shirts back on
14. went park
15. called my mum then my aunty so my aunty could pick us up and drive us home
16. i wasnt in deep shit but i knew both of them were angry and disappointed in me .. *sigh
17. my mood died at the park and when i went home cos i was thinking if i was a rebound that night
18. someone fucking talked to me for the first time in agezzzzzzzzz and was full saying "come over, i miss you" "my mum misses you" and shit like that
19. bagged felicia out about someone LOL
20. went sleep

i was thinking all night and my brains about to explode .. i just cant wait till next week so i can dress up like today and see paul and sarina hehe i get to have a kiss from sarina :$

"ANIVA'S GOING AWAY PARTY & JAGER'S BDAY" was posted On: 3/28/10, 5:15 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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