nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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i dont wanna delete it off tumblr but fuck .. my tumblr looks so ugly with it on .. ==

so imma have to move my post here

im gunna say this once, i may not say this to you directly but hopefully you’ll know that this is to you

what the hell happened to you man ? you were a good friend before, you were an alright person, you got me a nice birthday present and all

yeah yeah, i know you dont seem the same, you dont feel the same, you’re not urself anymore but wtf man ! stop being such a jerk . stop compensating your pain by being all over other chicks whether it’d be talking/flirting to them non stop or being such a dickhead .

yes, we’ve both established that we dont talk anymore but instead of not giving two fucks, at least give one on the way you’re acting and what you’re saying. dont be so straight up about everything .

heads up for the future buddy ! you’re the fool here .

"" was posted On: 6/18/10, 4:25 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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