nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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school has been so shit lately like the work and assignments have been building up and hw at least every 2 days . after school today i went to bing lee to get a new keyboard cos my old one was pretty old and really loud and wasnt easy to type with and i was getting new earphones cos my sister's $5 harvey norman earphones broke and got busted .

anyways imma go shopping tonight with my family at parra and imma get my earrings, i might get some eyeliner but i doubt it cos i dont like purchasing cosmetics in front of my mum for some reason . i cbf checking shirts even though i would like to set a goal for something to buy when i save up enough money for a shopping spree .

i ate a mega lunch when i came home, im gunna eat some icecream and blog a few photos ;)

"SCHOOL" was posted On: 2/25/10, 4:59 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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