nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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Well as me and felicia arrived to kevins house no one was there so we tried walking around and i forgot where the park was but then this kid showed us so we finally arrived after 15 mins of wandering around. everyone was there, enjoying the barbie and as we all settled in we played bball for a bit while the boys played basketball . around 6 we went back to kevins house, where peeps were playing halo and drinking .


Paul, Felicia and Ivy all went up to the city at 6, it was reeaaally hot/humid and we were waiting at maccas for over an hour for kevin to arrive so we could all head up to k . after k @ k1 lounge we ran towards habourside ! THE FIREWORKS, THE MUSIC, THE FOUNTAINS OMFG it was the bessssssssssst !!!!!! getting out was a fucking bitch though LOL

"PAUL'S & DILLON'S BIRTHDAY / AUSTRALIA DAY" was posted On: 1/28/11, 5:39 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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