nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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sooo at first we went to cabra to meet the others including vanessa, dillon, jager, naomi, john

then we went city and we went to eat and by 2 we went k and drank midori -_- & then went to go play pool . jager left then john & vanessa left so we all went back to maccas to eat then to kpuns house to watch a scary movie but then all the movies were fucking shit so all of them excluding me were playing tekken LOL and then i accidentally spilt water and i fucking ran for my life LMAO i was like shit kpuns gunna kill me .

anyways it was an alright daay, couldve been better if more people came

"CITY / KPUN'S HOUSE" was posted On: 10/23/10, 10:31 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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