nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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okay .. i dont mean to be harsh .. but seriously .. one of the worst parties ive ever been too

down pointers :
1. there was no bbq - bbq had to be made by bricks
2. bbq didnt heat up til 1 hour later -the fire failed a few times
3. people did not arrive until 6 ish
4. food was not ready til 7.30
5. cooking the food killed my life - took 10823987 years to cook nem nuong
6. EVERYONE was drunk
7. people crashing the party
8. rocky was there

alright .. time for the good pointers :
1. i was with felicia (Y)
2. her bro was cute LMAO
3. her little dog is sooo adorable @__@
4. it was her birthday
5. dang was there
6. never realised how good bread + sauce + nem nuong is
7. her house was nice esp the spa ;] LMAO
8. thats it ..

WELL time for ze prelims and lazing about to begin :)

"EMNETTY'S 16TH BIRTHDAY" was posted On: 9/14/10, 8:11 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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