nothing left in lust


Sydney, Australia

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yeah i know i keep talking about this but for sure i know i'll be doing a dinner and peircing my ears in the morning but on my actual birthday i wanna do something after school, maybe try getting my friends to come over my house and hang out for like 2 - 3 hours :) im gunna get some beautiful cupcakes or make some :S LOL

well nothing has been happening lately just going out and doing assignments. i got jeans and a singlet and shoes and makeup the other day i went livo with felicia =] im persuading my dad or my mum to buy me an adidas jacket most likely in black and silver :) if my dad doesnt like the colour then i'll just get black and gold if not then blue and white cos he has a problem with me wearing black clothes -.- ...

"" was posted On: 3/9/10, 6:31 PM | 0 ‚òÅ

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